October 22, 2024


Cool & Filtered news from the worlds of RC Racing

Round 3 of the 2022 BRCA 1/10th Offroad National Championship is now over, and it was an epic one – hard to believe that we are  halfway through the racing season already. Some very warm and sunny weather was forecast for the racing weekend on 11th & 12th June, however a strong south westerly breeze put paid to any aspirations of getting a tan. When in the direct path of the wind, most drivers opted to wear a jacket as the wind chill was significant. With patchy cloud present the track went from being heated by direct sunshine, to cooling off in overcast and windy conditions. The resultant rapid-changing grip level due to the fluctuating surface temperature of the track took hold of the meeting and dictated the pace of each heat separately making it very difficult for some drivers with sensitive car setups.

The 2wd section of the event kicked off at 8am on Saturday morning and there was a notable return to the heat listing. Michal Orlowski back from a stint at the 1/8th Ebuggy Euros at the Hudy arena where he finished 3rd. Orlowski and Lee Martin having both missed a round are on the back foot and can’t afford a bad score.

The 2wd event started with two rounds of three minute practice and the volunteer marshals from the Boughton club were kept very busy in the loose conditions. It was offered as a theory by some drivers that the slippiness was due to the lack of sand in what was supposed to be sand filled artificial grass. The track is a good mix of open fast sections and technical tight sections. A slalom type series of chicanes up the middle of the track dominates the overview – especially one which apexes across a single roller jump – this is catching many drivers out! At the end of the back straight there is a high-speed key-hole section before you join the tabletop. The drivers who can take this at high speed have a massive advantage over those who cannot gauge it correctly.

Practice provided some unusual timings at the front of the field, especially when considering driver’s fastest laps. In Round 1, Ben Pugh put in the fastest overall time to go top of the table – however his fastest lap of 28.4 was smashed by Neil Cragg in the same heat with 27.01 – also having another 27 to support it. But Neil was not the fastest driver on track in practice 1 that went to Michal Orlowski with a 26.8 – rapid! Orlowski took it up a notch in round 2 of practice setting the fastest overall time – putting in several 27 second laps as well.

2022 BRCA 1/10th Offroad National Championships

Round 3 – Boughton – 11/12 June 2022

Qualifying at Boughton was unusual as there was a potential winner, Michal Orlowski, seeded outside the top 30 in the heats. This is an anomaly due to Orlowski’s F5 grading. The racer all the way from Poland is in heat 9 of 12 and he absolutely obliterated all competition in his heat in Round 1 of qualifying. Orlowski setting an 11/306.87 in the heat with closest rival Matthew Peters finishing some 18 seconds behind. This is a poor reflection on Peters who went well and kept Yasir Mughal under control in third. Heat 11 was the first time we had someone challenge Orlowski’s time. Josh Holdsworth put in a near perfect run to go top of the table on a 11/304.52 – displacing Orlowski to second and Ben Smith put in a 11/308.36 to displace Luke Holdsworth to fourth. Now it was time for the top heat – number 12. Neil Cragg went unchallenged for the five minutes to win the heat and take the round TQ with a 11/303.02. Lee Martin in tow put in a 13/307.75 with a few bobbles off the tabletop to go fourth, displacing Ben Smith. In the first top 30 seeded heat, heat 10, Luke Holdsworth replicated Orlowski’s style by checking out at the front of the heat. Running on a very fast pace he put in a time which was just short of rivalling Orlowski but going second on 11/310.08. Nathan Ralls went second in heat almost 10 seconds adrift.

The first man onto the lead lap in 2wd qualifying round 2 was Thomas Phipps in heat 5. Thomas having a reasonable run and showing moments of brilliance here and there. Phipps was sandwiched by Alex Carter and Jim Dixon from heat 7 also making it onto 11 laps along with Jimmy Whitehall from heat 6. It wasn’t until heat 9 before we would see any major improvements on these times. All eyes were on heat 9 for Michal Orlowski’s TQ challenge. He had had a nibble in round 1, but ultimately was pushed down the ranking by Neil Cragg and Josh Holdsworth. This time he got off to a very quick start, initially indicating a 12 lap run. The sun came out and this may have resulted in the track becoming harder to negotiate. Midway through the run, Michal had a bobble and half spin coming off the tabletop leaving him facing the wrong way out of the corner. This dropped him off a 12 laps run, but he still managed to secure TQ on a 11/303.61. So, the benchmark had been cast by Orlowski in an early heat – everybody knew what they had to do. But the clouds shifted, and the sun was out for heat 10 – would the track allow that sort of time again? There were no TQ challenges from heat 10 – Phil Sleigh putting in a very respectable 11/312 ahead of Ben Jemison. Heat 11 was a bit hotter. Tommy Hall, Ben Smith and Luke Holdsworth all traded positions a couple of times with bobbles and errors – Tommy putting in a 11/307.51 with a fast consistent run. Now attention turned to heat 12 with curiosity centred around whether Neil Cragg could set a second TQ and line himself up well for overall pole position. Cragg put a smooth and consistent run with quite a bit of traffic towards the end as he lapped the slower cars in the heat. He finished the race without incident on a 11/313.60 – only 0.09 behind Orlowski’s time going 2nd in round.

The sun had been out for over an hour consistently by the time Round 3 of 2wd qualifying started. The strong southerly breeze deceived many of the racers and the track surface temperature was much higher than you would think. Many opinions floated about, but times don’t lie, and it appeared for most the track was considerably slower when warmed. Michal Orlowski’s car didn’t look as good in 2wd round 3 of qualifying as it did earlier in the day. To support this, his lap times slowed slightly and even with a mistake costing him about 4 seconds, he still only managed a 11/312.44 – only going fifth in round. Speaking to Orlowski’s engineer, Trish Neal, he assures me that no setup changes have been made – the deterioration in the car is purely due to the surface changing. In heat 10, Luke Holdsworth was fastest, but the track slowed further, and times expanded – 11/313.91. We waited for heat 11 to see if the slowing trend would continue…. but it didn’t! Tommy Hall put in a stellar run with only a couple of small bobbles to drag the overall times at the sharp end back down to where we would expect them to be. He threw absolutely everything at the run – resulting in 11/304.06 and taking provisional TQ for the round with one heat to go. In Heat 12, we got a masterclass from Neil Cragg on how to do it in less-than-ideal conditions. Neil Cragg put in a smooth and controlled drive and was initially forecasting for a 12 lap run. A mistake at the race midpoint caused him a second or two only – and he immediately responded by putting in the fastest lap of the day so far – 26.84! He recovered well to TQ the round by 3 seconds – 11/301.41

So, if you’ve been following, it’s advantage Neil Cragg going into round 4 of 2wd qualifying. Neil has two TQ runs and one of them is the fastest time of the day – set when most people went slower, not faster. Michal Orlowski has the other TQ and he remains Cragg’s only challenger for Pole Position. Tommy Hall, Josh Holdsworth and Ben Smith could all displace Orlowski from 2nd on the grid with a TQ run – there is a lot to consider, and nothing was guaranteed at that point. Heat 9 began well for Michal Orlowski and he was somehow able to put in some staggering laps as the car moved around and squirmed under power. Unfortunately it was not to be for the young Pole, as two mistakes, one requiring marshalling was enough to yield him an uncompetitive time in the battle for TQ – 11/311.32. He is now in the danger zone for potentially slipping to third or fourth should Tommy Hall, Luke Holdsworth or Ben Smith pull it out of the bag. First up was Holdsworth in Heat 10 and he couldn’t make it happen in what were becoming trickier conditions – Phil Sleigh taking the heat on a 11/319.23. Tommy Hall got off to a good start in Heat 11 to attempt his challenge. A good very fast run until he tagged a front wheel on a hose and was spun around facing the wrong direction – a second or two lost, but it was enough damage to only yield him a 11/307.3. However, this was enough to displace Orlowski and take provisional pole. All eyes on Cragg in Heat 12. Once again Neil Cragg put in a text book run in deteriorating conditions. His restrained and level approach led to a near perfect run with the car only fish-tailing slightly a couple of times with no time loss. Neil managed to take TQ in round, relegating Tommy Hall to second with Orlowski in third – his 2nd place grid position now secure for the A Finals.


1Neil Cragg0 [0 (2) 0 (0)]11/301.41
2Michal Orlowski3 [3 0 (5) (3)]11/303.61
3Tommy Hall4 [(6) (3) 2 2]11/304.06
4Josh Holdsworth7 [2 5 (7) (22)]11/304.52
5Ben Smith8 [5 (6) 3 (114)]11/310.28
6Lee Martin8 [4 (8) (4) 4]11/307.75
7Jamie Hall9 [(10) 4 (13) 5]11/309.20
8Joseph Howson13 [7 (20) (22) 6]11/317.56
9Phil Sleigh15 [(21) 7 (11) 8]11/312.92
10Richard Barton15 [(15) (45) 8 7]11/317.71

The 2wd A Final Leg 1 was led away by Neil Cragg from pole position in fairly loose conditions. Neil had a small advantage over the battle for second between Orlowski, T Hall and Smith in the early stages of the race. At the ninety second mark, any advantage Cragg was building was quickly eaten up by Orlowski who was reeling him in with Hall close behind. A couple of laps later at the race midpoint, Orlowski was just not quite close enough to Cragg to think about setting up a pass and it would be three laps later before an opportunity would present itself. At the three and a half minute mark, Orlowski drew up close to the back of Cragg’s car coming down the straight and through the first couple of turns. Across the single-single jumps, Orlowski moved along side of Cragg on the first jump and squeezed him on the landing of the second one leading to contact between the front wheels of both cars. Orlowski luckily found his car on the line when it landed after the collision, Cragg not so lucky having to correct the attitude of the car to get back on line. The subtle difference meant that Orlowski now led with Cragg right behind him with a little over a minute to go. The two cars then negotiated the slalom mid section and Cragg in chase seemed to get out of rhythm through the last couple of corners resulting in a head on collision with an apex causing a spin. This allowed Orlowski off the hook and Cragg now under pressure from Tommy Hall. For the remaining two laps, Cragg put in a commendable push to catch Orlowski, but didn’t get close enough to put him under pressure. Final result – Orlowski, Cragg, T Hall.

2wd A Final Leg 2 was run in slightly more overcast conditions – so grip was up. Neil Cragg led the cars away and by the time the field reached the single-single jumps a couple of corners from the start, Orlowski was already looking for a pass on Cragg. I don’t think anyone expected Orlowski to reduce the advantage of Pole Position in two corners and going through the slalom section shortly after, Neil turned in early and mounted the hose at an apex, letting Orlowski through – a rare situation for the normally unshakable Cragg. A minute-in and Orlowski was starting to build a gap, his car clearly revelling in the higher grip conditions whilst Cragg’s car looked unpredictable and a bit tricky. Then something interesting happened – the wind dropped and the sun came out. Almost instantaneously, Orlowski’s pace dipped as the grip dipped and Cragg’s balance came back at the same time. Cragg wasted no time drawing Orlowski back in with Tommy Hall in tow – game on! The cat & mouse chase continued into the final minute with an amazing display of driving from both including some stunning broad-slides into turn 1. On the last lap, Cragg looked for a gap several times before getting a bad bounce on the tabletop landing a couple of corners from the finish resulting in a barrel roll and intervention from the Marshall. Orlowski took the win and the overall 2wd win, Cragg second, Hall third.

Overall A Final points after Leg 2

12Michal Orlowski2 ( 1 1 10 – 11/ 307.75 )
21Neil Cragg4 ( 2 2 10 – 11/ 309.25 )
33Tommy Hall6 ( 3 3 10 – 11/ 311.63 )
44Josh Holdsworth10 ( 6 4 10 – 11/ 316.70 )
55Ben Smith10 ( 4 6 10 – 11/ 317.38 )
66Lee Martin10 ( 5 5 10 – 11/ 317.81 )
77Jamie Hall14 ( 7 7 10 – 11/ 319.16 )
810Richard Barton17 ( 9 8 10 – 11/ 326.39 )
99Phil Sleigh18 ( 8 10 10 – 11/ 323.99 )
108Joseph Howson19 ( 10 9 10 – 11/ 326.70 )

For Leg 3 of the A Final, Michal Orlowski had initially intended to run and was on the rostrum, however his car was withdrawn after the warmup laps with a possible technical problem. So with only nine cars on the grid the battle for 2nd place began. Neil Cragg made an initial break working up a 1.5 second advantage over Tommy Hall with Josh Holdsworth in tow. However a bad lap from Neil at the same time as a good lap for the other two wiped that advantage out quickly with the midpoint. Hall never got close enough to Cragg to mount a challenge before the latter started to build a gap again. Holdsworth faulting to let Ben Smith into third with three and half minutes on the clock. The lead two broke away with a two second gap between them as Lee Martin got up the inside of Ben Smith at the end of the straight snatching third. The order didn’t’t change to the chequered flag with Cragg taking the win followed by Tommy Hall, Lee Martin, Ben Smith and Jamie Hall. The Leg 3 win secures 2nd place for Neil Cragg to add to his two 2wd wins so far this season -so he maintains his extensive lead at the top of the tables. Tommy Hall in 3rd.

Overall A Final finishing points.

12Michal Orlowski2 ( 1 1 10 – 11/ 307.75 )
21Neil Cragg3 ( 2 2 1 – 11/ 310.18 )
33Tommy Hall5 ( 3 3 2 – 11/ 314.12 )
46Lee Martin8 ( 5 5 3 – 11/ 319.03 )
55Ben Smith8 ( 4 6 4 – 11/ 317.38 )
64Josh Holdsworth10 ( 6 4 6 – 11/ 316.70 )
77Jamie Hall12 ( 7 7 5 – 11/ 319.93 )
810Richard Barton15 ( 9 8 7 – 11/ 329.14 )
99Phil Sleigh16 ( 8 10 8 – 11/ 323.99 )
108Joseph Howson18 ( 10 9 9 – 11/ 326.70 )

Championship links:

Series website: www.brca.org
Series Facebook: www.facebook.com
Live results: www.brca.org/results
Reports: www.racewayone.com
A-Main Videos: www.youtube.com/racewayone
Other news: www.facebook.com/racewayone

The 4wd track was very simply the 2wd track in reverse. It was very interesting to see how the track flowed each way in a similar fashion, however there are some bumps which were insignificant in 2wd direction and now very significant in the 4wd direction. Blazing sunshine was evident as drivers arrived in cars and emerged from tents the Sunday morning at Boughton Raceway for the 4wd section of the meeting – one camper commenting that it was about forty degrees in his tent at 5am! Thankfully we were staying at a local budget hotel as we need to be well rested to keep up with the day’s non-stop racing action.

Practice got underway after a short driver’s briefing which honed down on some basic discipline from racers. Placing your numbers correctly on the car and minding your manners on the rostrum were some of the subjects highlighted. The BRCA has a world-renowned reputation for orderly racing and these subjects must be broached now and again to ensure those high standards remain. The good/bad news is that the track is still very loose, even for 4wd. Many of the cars broad sliding across the track whilst trying to power down onto the straight. Some drivers are able to find an advantage in these conditions which is good news, but lots struggle all day which is not so good. At the sharp end, many of the drivers disregarded putting in an overall time, many stopping to make radio and setup adjustments during the practice run. Michal Orlowski and Tommy Hall were an exception to this as they put in the top overall times. Lee Martin put in the fastest lap of 25.71.

4wd Qualifying Round 1 got underway in windy sunshine, the air temperature cold enough to warrant a light jacket, yet the track temperature very warm to the touch. All drivers suffering from a lack of feel from the cars as they squirm and move around the loose surface. The first driver to top the table in Round 1 was Dylan Richardson from Heat 1. The heat is like a nursery of potential as we are hopefully looking at the stars of tomorrow. The times tumbled through the early to mid-heats and as per 2wd it was yesterday’s Top F5 driver and overall winner, Michal Orlowski who was first to make a significant indent into the times from Heat 6 with a 12/313.90 – nearly lapping the field. Orlowski’s first challenger was Paul Crompton from Heat 8 – the second from top heat. Crompton attacked the track like a scalded cat with plenty of bobbles and mistakes and even a champions roll – but still managed to pip Orlowski’s time with a 12/311.62. The pace is hot, but Paul’s attacking style is not compatible the other drivers potentially on the A Final grid – it will be important for him to secure pole to have a chance of winning. Neil Cragg was the lead driver in heat 9 which ran just as the wind dipped and the sun came out again – Neil’s car visibly moving around more as the heat went on and he only managed 12/315.05 leaving him third in round.

2022 BRCA 1/10th Offroad National Championships

Round 3 – Boughton – 11/12 June 2022

Round 2 was another 4wd round of qualifying full of pace and problems. The track was heated further and traction was down when there was a gap in the clouds – it only seems to take a minute or two of direct sunshine for the track to be affected. Heat 6 was being dominated by Michal Orlowski. The young Pole was putting in a flawless run with the sun behind the clouds and grip level elevated – perhaps a little too elevated as mid-race he tagged an apex and grip rolled. Hidden from the closest Marshal another one had to cross a couple of lanes to attend to his stricken car – losing about 6 seconds. So it was a bit of a shock when Orlowski posted a time only a second shy of his round 1 time – 13/314.73. Even with the error, this was going to be a hard time to beat. The driver with the potential to displace Orlowski was Paul Crompton. Again, as per round 1, he was properly rapid, but definitely at 105% most of the time – bobbles, bad bumps and tagging hoses were continuous events during the run. The inconsistencies added up and he posted a 12/314.93 – just 0.2 behind Orlowski to go second for the moment. The sun started to come back out for heat 12 where all eyes were on Neil Cragg. His car appeared to have some serious traction in comparison to most others, however the trade-off for that was that the rear of the car looked stiff and overall, it had lots of rotation. Neil put in a blistering run which was not without error – momentarily getting beached on a hose for a second or two for instance. He was able to hang onto it and posted 11/314.69 – just ahead of Orlowski – to take TQ in round.

Round 3 of 4wd qualifying was drama filled. A combination of the track gripping up in cooler conditions, and mistakes from all the front runners meant nothing was certain in this battle for TQ. In my opinion, Michal Orlowski is way too quick for his heat – it’s unfair on him and its unfair on the others. He catches the back markers so quickly that they have very little time to react to the referee’s advice. On three occasions in Heat 6, Michal had problems relating to passing back markers or becoming a part of a back-marker’s accident. A discard for him for sure – 12/326.39. In heat 8, Paul Crompton had a fast run, but again the mistakes which have plagued his days so far continued. He went fastest in heat with one heat to go on a 12/313.40. Lee Martin some seven seconds down the road also having difficulties over the run. Again, and somewhat as usual, all eyes were on Neil Cragg in heat 12. Neil put in a fast and accurate run with no errors, but his overall speed was down. He was on for a 12/320 approximately before breaking the car on the last lap and dropping 10 second 12/331.46. Jamie Hall picking up the fastest time in heat and going third in round on a 12/321.92.

We had no clear leader in 4wd qualifying at this point. There were only nine drivers on the lead lap, and they were separated by some 15 seconds which is unusual for a BRCA National field. All drivers have had errors in Round 4 of 4wd Qualifying – nobody is running clean. All eyes were on the sky – there was significantly more cloud cover and the strong breeze was dissipating. That should mean that side bite and traction will come up – but it seemed to only affect some drivers. In Heat 8, Michal Orlowski put in a smooth run and was only negligibly hindered by back markers this time – lapping six drivers. Still with a couple of bad bounces he clocked in a time of 12/314.79 – borderline whether that would be enough to secure his first 4wd TQ. Next up as a pole position contender was Paul Crompton in heat 8. Crompton already has two TQ’s on fast times, and with a slowing track, at times, he looked secure for TQ. He put in a 12/320.33 which is a good banker. Ben Smith going faster than Crompton in the heat securing third in round with a 12/316.15. And finally, it was Neil Cragg’s turn to have an assault on Crompton’s position. He put another smooth textbook run, but at 12/318.26 just lacked the outright pace of Orlowski. Neil takes third in round with Crompton securing pole.

Overall top 10 qualifying positions after Round 4

1Paul Crompton0 [0 (3) 0 (4)]12/311.62
2Michal Orlowski2 [2 (2) (6) 0]12/314.79
3Neil Cragg3 [3 0 (7) (3)]12/314.69
4Ben Smith6 [(7) 4 (4) 2]12/316.15
5Lee Martin6 [4 (8) 2 (6)]12/320.04
6Jamie Hall8 [(6) (7) 3 5]12/321.92
7Josh Holdsworth10 [5 5 (12) (18)]12/319.29
8Tommy Hall13 [(8) 6 (8) 7]12/320.62
9Ben Pugh14 [9 (10) 5 (10)]12/326.26
10Charlie Saunders19 [11 (23) (28) 8]12/327.21

The 4wd A Final Leg 1 burst into life as the drivers made their way at high speed around the three sides of area before working their way infield. Crompton leading the procession away and he was under pressure from Orlowski by time they reached the end of the back straight on the far side of the track. Coming down off the banked corner for the first time, Crompton cut in too early tagging the hose and slowing himself up. Orlowski avoiding the error was not able to capitalise and Crompton somehow hung onto the lead with Neil Cragg closely following in third – the remainder of the field now bunched behind. The race then settled down for a few laps with Crompton initially gapping Orlowski and the gap being closed again. There was a notable difference in Crompton and Orlowski’s styles – Crompton carrying speed and balancing the car on the throttle, Orlowski keeping it neat and getting more traction out of the corners. At the two minute mark, Crompton, Orlowski and Cragg had broken away from the chasing pack. Crompton’s style unsettled Orlowski at times, you could see him not going for the overtaking opportunity as Crompton was controlling a full broad slide. At the four-minute mark and with Crompton still being closely pursued by Orlowski, the latter misjudged the high speed chicane at the back of the track and forced the car into a rail ride and cartwheel giving Crompton some breathing room and promoting Cragg to second. For the final minute, Neil Cragg made a valiant effort to significantly reduce his deficit to Crompton but there was not enough time to set up a pass. Leg 1 results: Crompton, Cragg, Orloswki.

Leg 2 of the 4wd A Final started in overcast conditions. Again, it was Orlowski who got the better start putting Crompton under pressure at the end of the back straight on the first lap – this time with Neil Cragg in tow. Working their way through the hairpins on the banked corned, Orlowski hit the hose at one of the apexes, killing off all his speed, and he was lucky to not to give a place away to Neil Cragg, the field now dangerously bunched with Crompton breaking away. A minute in, Orlowski and Cragg were not making or loosing ground to Crompton when Cragg tagged a corner marker through the slalom and put his car onto its roof – isolated from the marshal. Over the proceeding laps, Orlowski made small inroads into Crompton’s lead before making an error of his own at the halfway mark which let Crompton check out. Ben Smith being promoted to second at this point. Orlowski managed to get back past Smith with a minute to go, but now with nobody pressuring him, Crompton developed a neater new style and was uncatchable. Finishing order: Crompton, Orlowski, Smith.

With his second victory in Leg 2, that secures the 4wd win for Paul Crompton, his first National win – well done to him.

In Leg 3 of the 4wd A Final, Paul Crompton started with the hopes of going home unbeaten. Straight away into the first corner, Crompton’s car broke traction and started to drift causing Orlowski to back out and in turn Cragg slide into Orlowski. All the drivers managed to hold onto their starting positions, but it was a little hairy going onto the tight right hander before the tabletop on the far side of the track. Crompton led Orlowski over the first lap making several mistakes before eventually hitting the hose and spinning out before the same tabletop on lap 2 – allowing Orlowski through into the lead. A second mistake for Crompton shortly after left him on his roof and isolated from the marshal, dropping to the back of the field. As the sun came out and the grip dropped all of the competitors in the final found it hard to keep it clean. Orlowski, Cragg, Smith and Martin all having significant mistakes but somehow getting away with it. At the halfway mark, Orlowski had clear track ahead of him with Lee Martin in second some 3.5 seconds behind with Josh Holdsworth in tow. On the second from last lap, Orlowski, leading now by quiet a margin, cut in too early at a hairpin having a soft roll which luckily was right beside the marshal. A heart stopping moment – but he was far enough ahead that he was not under pressure as a result. Finishing order: Orlowski, Martin, J Holdsworth.

Overall 4wd result after A Final Leg 3

11Paul Crompton2 [ 1 1 6 – 12/ 313.96 ]26.16
22Michal Orlowski3 [ 3 2 1 – 12/ 321.85 ]26.82
35Lee Martin6 [ 9 4 2 – 12/ 324.80 ]27.07
43Neil Cragg7 [ 2 5 10 – 12/ 315.93 ]26.33
54Ben Smith7 [ 7 3 4 – 12/ 323.80 ]26.98
67Josh Holdsworth7 [ 4 6 3 – 11/ 300.28 ]27.3
78Tommy Hall10 [ 5 9 5 – 11/ 303.45 ]27.59
89Ben Pugh14 [ 10 7 7 – 11/ 310.62 ]28.24
910Charlie Saunders15 [ 6 10 9 – 11/ 310.27 ]28.21
106Jamie Hall16 [ 8 8 8 – 11/ 312.92 ]28.45

Championship links:

Series website: www.brca.org
Series Facebook: www.facebook.com
Live results: www.brca.org/results
Reports: www.racewayone.com
A-Main Videos: www.youtube.com/racewayone
Other news: www.facebook.com/racewayone

We now take a little break for the EFRA European Championships at Robin Hood Raceway and then back to business as usual for Stotfold in a month’s time.

Notable mentions:

First National win:               Paul Crompton
First National A Final:          Charlie Saunders
B Final winner:                     Dominic Nunn     

2wd Championship points after Round 3

1Neil Cragg392131131130
2Tommy Hall378128122128
3Ben Smith375126123126
4Josh Holdsworth374125124125
5Jamie Hall372122126124
6Ben Pugh370127125118
7Luke Holdsworth368121127120
8Ben Jemison356118119119
9Lloyd Storey350117117116
10Edward Callan348112121115

4wd Championship points after Round 3

1Neil Cragg386128131127
2Paul Crompton385127127131
3Tommy Hall383131128124
4Ben Smith376124126126
5Jamie Hall371126124121
6Josh Holdsworth369125119125
7Ben Pugh364120121123
8Luke Holdsworth359121125113
9Edward Callan357123120114
10Phil Sleigh352122112118